速報APP / 醫療 / AAC Evaluation Genie

AAC Evaluation Genie



檔案大小:67.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


AAC Evaluation Genie(圖1)-速報App

Are you looking for a fast and efficient process to streamline AAC evaluations?

AAC Evaluation Genie is an informal diagnostic tool that is intended to assist speech-language pathologists and others with identifying skill areas that relate specifically to the language representation methods commonly found on augmentative communication systems. The purpose of AAC Evaluation Genie is not to identify a particular speech generating device, but rather build a framework for selecting an appropriate augmentative communication device for ongoing evaluation and / or device trial.

There are 13 subtests that can be administered with screening options available for each subtest.

Visual Identification

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖2)-速報App

This activity evaluates the ability to progressively track and identify a single icon.

Visual Discrimination

This activity evaluates the ability to progressively track and discriminate a single icon.

Noun Vocabulary

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖3)-速報App

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common noun vocabulary.

Function Vocabulary

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common noun vocabulary by stated function.

Verb Vocabulary

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖4)-速報App

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common verb (action word) vocabulary.

Category Recognition

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common noun vocabulary by category group inclusion.

Word Association

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖5)-速報App

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify a noun by associated feature or function.

Category Inclusion

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common noun vocabulary by category inclusion.

Category Exclusion

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖6)-速報App

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to identify common noun vocabulary by category exclusion.

Core Vocabulary

This activity evaluates the recognition and identification of common core vocabulary words not easily represented with pictures using either Pixon® or SymbolStix® symbol sets.

Unity Icon Patterns

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖7)-速報App

This activity evaluates the identification of vocabulary organized by Minspeak Unity® semantic / linguistic patterns.

Picture Description

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to describe basic pictures using a simulated AAC display. Choose either Pixon® or SymbolStix® symbol set for testing.

Word Prediction

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖8)-速報App

This activity evaluates the user’s ability to read text and select a target word from a list of four choices.

AAC Evaluation Genie(圖9)-速報App
